Saturday, March 30, 2013

Pulling into port tomorrow!

Hello, first entry in my journal!

So - as you may know already (if you're psycic), I've decided to start a new career in...da-da-da-DAAA!

                             MONSTER HUNTING!!!                   

So okay, I know I pick a new line of work every half-year or so, but this one is totally the coolest I've landed on - you've got to admit that you freshly opened journal you.

As per the usual routine I've ditched all my old legally-binding aquaintences; court-appointed legal-guardians and so-on-and-so-forth; pawned off all my old goods to get enough money for travel expenses; read only about half the pamphlet before signing up; and right now I'm on a boat! 

It's nighttime now and I should probably be sleeping - but I'm just too excited! I've got adventure all up IN my clothes! At least...I hope it's adventure...I really hope I haven't gotten some bugs in my clothes already.

I'm being serious - I'm just staring fruitlessly at the small light of moonlight on the waves that we're heading towards hoping it will speed things along.

I suppose I really should find a nice place to cuddle up with something and get a few hours sleep though - tomorrow I start a brand new life full of excitement and wonder. The moment I wake up I'll be at port in a new town bustling with excitement. This is what I live for! 

-and I promise journal, I'm gonna make you SO proud of me. I mean, you won't just respect the crap out of me - I'm going to be so bitchin' awesome that if for any reason this journal falls into someone else's hands I'm going to make sure I'm such a badass monster hunter that they'll be proud of me, or my name isn't---

Oh...wait...I haven't even told you who I am yet, have I journal?

Well - I'm Rivet Sky: Monster Hunter                Starting tomorrow. 

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