Monday, April 1, 2013

Journal Side-Entries: Monster Hunter Snap

Heeeeeeey Journal.

So.......I just woke up.

Milk hangover.

I know I need to cover some other stuff but reeeeeal quick I wanna jot down this idea I just had.

'cuz it's a reeeeeal good idea. It's seriously good Journal. Way better than anything you ever had.

Don' get me wrong - you're a great listener, but we all know I'm the brains of this operation.



So I was thinking about those battles I had. The one with Flippity-Floppity-floo and Buggaboo.

Now...this is gonna get kinda meta but don't worry it's just for a moment.

See, when I was running the hell away  tactically survering the postion  luring them towards me, I realized I was getting some good shots, even if my camera was pretty poor.

It reminded me of a few of my previous jobs.

See, I always liked mosnters - even as a wee-kiddo. So actually my first ever job dealt with them!

This job involved photographing monsters in the wild. You'd get paid for how many different monsters you'd snap photos of, and you'd get better rewards depending of if they were doing something exciting or cute or whatever. It was a sweet gig, but frankly it was a bit too easy for me. These little guys were just TOO eager to please. They were all kinda divas ready to pose. I wanted a challenge.

This job didn't mess around. This was for some sort of snuff magazine I guess - the checks came in the mail and I never ever saw the production. Maybe they were just sent to some private collector? Anyway, here I wasn't shooting cute little fact, I'm not even sure what I was shooting - they were all speaking some foreign language and I never got a translator. I think they were possessed little girls? Demons? I dunno.

Anyway, they would start attacking me with crazy swarms of death-bullet-magic the moment they saw me, and my job was to take pictures of their attack patterns! I got bonuses for capturing myself in the shot, capturing a visible Magic Circle around them which meant they were charging up, and an EXTRA bonus if one of their bullets were singing me!

Me taking a picture of me about to take a picture...w...woah.

Needless to say, the adrenaline quickly died down and I realized this was just a bit too extreme for me. I soon moved on to other things.

But now that I'm a Monster Hunter, I'm remembering both jobs and the pics I took yesterday and thinking there might be room here for someone to make some cash!

These monsters are huge and awesome - and with teamwork the monsters will usually be focused on the damage dealers. Maybe the guild can send a group of four or so Hunters to take down a monster and then send a Photographer in to try and take Action-Shots of the heated battle! There could even be competition among photographers - leaderboards or public forums where people vote on the best photos!

I know my photo of Que-Que-Maru was blurry as all hell but it was a great action shot!
-and yes, that's me running the hell away from that thing.

Just an idea I had as I try to wake up.

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